Covid-safe training commences

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Football is back!

As on Monday 11 May 2020 we are able to resume football training in a Covid-safe manner.

Key Covid-safe requirements include:

  1. Do NOT come to training if you have in the last 14 days:

    • been unwell or had any flu-like symptoms

    • been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19

    • any respiratory symptoms (even if mild) or

    • are at a high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions.

  2. Players must not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to training commencing.

  3. Players are to come already prepared to train – changing rooms will not be in use.

  4. No sharing of drink bottles is to be permitted.

  5. Players are to leave the venue immediately once their training session has concluded — No social activities to occur once training has concluded.

  6. If we get more than 10 people to training we'll need to split in to two groups.

  7. Heading of a ball may occur during the natural process of a drill, for example a ball being crossed. However, practising of heading by picking up the ball and throwing should be discouraged.

  8. Throw ins are to be discouraged.

  9. Regular breaks are provided so that players can hydrate and use hand sanitiser.

  10. If Training Bibs are being used, each individual player is to be allocated a bib and they are responsible for

    taking the bib home to wash and return.

  11. Players to leave the field in a staged approached, for example sessions concluding in a clockwise manner.

  12. Practice good hygiene:

    • Carry and use hand sanitiser on a regular basis

    • If using tissues, place them directly into the bin after use

    • Wash hands frequently with soap and water, before and after eating and after using the toilet

    • Seek to avoid the use of public toilets, however if necessary, ensure hands are washed thoroughly

    • Do not touch eyes, nose, or mouth if your hands are not clean

    • No spitting at any time

    • Practice social distancing – 1.5m.

Please read through all the FFSA's guidelines.

In order to reduce the number of players at training on any single night and make it easier to form groups of 10 and social distance, we have revised the training schedule.

CSL Mens
6:15pm – 8pm Thursdays

CSL Ladies
6:15pm – 8pm Tuesdays

Masters (over 35s)
6:30pm – 8pm Wednesdays

See you on the park!

POSSC Committee

Frank Stillitano